
Sunday 7 February 2016

Mindfulness and Wellbeing

Mindfulness and Wellbeing
A modern motion

What is mindfulness?
I've recently practised some mindfulness in my own life over the last two years to de-stress and re-evaluate my life. This blog isn't going to be deep, it's a light read about ways you can help yourself get through the stress and pressure of modern life.

Your wellbeing.
Wellbeing is a state of being comfortable in your life, at peace with yourself, healthy and happy. Your happy place. 

I've been at low points where I was stuck in a negative cycle. I took time out to re-evaluate my life and make the positive changes I needed myself. Taking care of my wellbeing and being mindful helped me enormously!

My easy TIPS for mindfulness: 

  • Notice your breathing. Zone in yourself, control the breath as you breathe out, listen to the sound of your breathing. It brings an instant calm.
  • Eat slowly and appreciate what you're eating. Take the time to taste whats in your mouth. Appreciate it. Also, feed your body healthy foods. Look after yourself. I use juicing as a way to cleanse my body and feel mentally and physically better. 
  • Take time our from Social Media. It's the central focus of most of our lives now. I am the first to check in on instagram, Facebook and now twitter. I also blog weekly so I'm glued to the macbook. Light a candle, read a book, take a bath.
  • Travel, walk, visit new places. Fresh air and new scenery calm the senses. It's also educational and enriches your life.
  • Whilst it's natural to look for motivation and inspiration from others, don't measure your life against someone else's. What you see on other peoples social media is snippets of their highs and you cannot possibly know what they're going through from one picture. Focus on you, be grateful, and love. 
Laura x

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